Zetaris Canvas management

Zetaris, the leading data analytics platform, has recently introduced an innovative feature that empowers users with the ability to effortlessly collapse or expand data objects on Virtual Data Marts, Virtual data pipelines, and Query builder. This exciting enhancement is designed to streamline the user experience by enabling seamless navigation across multiple items on the canvas, allowing users to efficiently manage and focus on the specific data objects they are working with during the development process.

With this new capability, users can now easily collapse or expand data objects within their virtual data environments, providing them with a clear and organized view of their data assets. By collapsing objects, users can declutter their workspace, keeping only the essential data objects visible, and reducing visual distractions. This functionality ensures that users can effectively manage complex data structures and maintain a laser-like focus on the specific data objects they need to analyze or manipulate.

On the other hand, expanding data objects provides users with a comprehensive view of the underlying data, allowing them to explore and interact with the intricate details of their virtual data marts, pipelines, and queries. This ability to expand data objects on demand facilitates a deeper understanding of the data structure and enhances the overall data exploration experience.

Whether users are working on developing advanced analytics models, building sophisticated data pipelines, or creating complex queries, the ability to collapse or expand data objects ensures a smoother and more intuitive workflow. With this feature, users can effortlessly navigate through their data assets, easily locate and interact with specific data objects, and make informed decisions based on a holistic view of their data.

Zetaris remains committed to empowering users with cutting-edge functionality that enhances the data analytics experience. The introduction of the collapse and expand feature on Virtual Data Marts, Virtual data pipelines, and Query builder is just one example of how Zetaris continually strives to provide users with powerful tools that optimize productivity and enable them to unlock the full potential of their data.