User Management

How to create and manage users into roles

Local User Management

Local Role Management

Zetaris' users can be authenticated and created locally, or Zetaris can be integrated with an existing authentication provider through LDAP, where we are able to synchronise on-boarding of new users. 

Local User Management

Follow the steps below to create and delete local users

Steps to create user:

  1. Login to Zetaris

  2. Click on user management tab

3.   Click on the plus button next to users. Pop-up will appear
4.   Enter your details. Then click on Add 

The user will be created.


Steps to Delete user:

  1. Login to Zetaris

  2. Click on user management tab


3.   Click on bin button next to user that needs to be deleted. Pop-up will appear to confirm to delete user

4.   Click on “Yes” and user will be deleted.

Local Role Management

Follow the steps below to create and delete local users

Steps to add Roles:

  1. Login to Zetaris

  2. Click on user management tab


3.   Click on the plus button next to roles. Pop-up will appear

4.   Enter details and the click on create a new role will be created

Steps to delete Roles:

  1. Login to Zetaris

  2. Click on user management tab Image10

3.   Click on bin button next to role that needs to be deleted. Pop-up will appear to confirm to delete role


4.   Click on “Yes” and role will be deleted