Unix machine (recommended Ubuntu image)
Postgres-client (to create the underlying Zetaris metastore tables)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-client
gcloud beta component
gcloud components install beta
gcloud cloud proxy (
About the Cloud SQL Auth proxy | Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL | Google Cloud )
GCP Project with the following:
API's enabled. Reference link for details--> (
Getting started | Cloud APIs | Google Cloud )
Cloud Logging API
Cloud Monitoring API
Cloud Compute Engine API
Cloud Filestore API
Cloud SQL Admin API
BigQuery Connection API (?)
Kubernetes Engine API
Linked Billing Account
Service Account with the following granted roles.
Reference this link to create a service account for the GKE (provisioned in step 1)(
Creating and managing service accounts | IAM Documentation | Google Cloud )
Cloud SQL Admin / Connection User
Kubernetes Engine Service Agent
Filestore Editor
Download installation scripts/helm charts/secrets ( - Connect to preview )
You will need to copy the above installation files to the home directory “~/ “ into target Unix box creating as part of pre-requisite.
This activity can be carried out using WinSCP or scp
Installation Steps
1. Provision resources on GCP
Copy or move the cloud_sql_proxy file to:
Run the following commands to begin provisioning resources
cd ~/GCP/installation_scripts
. -
Complete the following steps:
Copy the generated url and allow Google SDK to login
Copy the generated token from your browser and paste it in your terminal window
Enter your project id when prompted
Enter the zone for your project when prompted
Enter your GKE Service Account email when prompted
Enter your username when prompted
2. Add Node Pool IP Addresses to SQL Instance
Open in your browser
Navigate to your Project
In the left-hand resource panel select SQL
Click on the prod-instance SQL instance
Select connections in the left-hand PRIMARY INSTANCE navigation panel
Scroll down to Authorised Networks and click on Add Network for each of the provided IP’s in the console
Provided GKE IP Addresses Example
Adding IP addresses to Authorised Networks
Click on Save at the bottom of the page and wait for it to update
3. Populating the databases
The below script will run a set of CREATE commands to generate the DDLs for the Zetaris metastore
- Run the following command to populate the databases:
4. Configuring the RHEL-VM
The RHEL-VM is a standalone Red hat box used for investigation of logs or inspection of pods using kubectl. This box contains the installation scripts for kubernetes and includes helm charts , configurations and secrets for the kubernetes deployments.
Run the following command:
gcloud compute ssh new-rhel-vm --command=”.” -- -t --zone=<the same zone as provided in step 1.2.d>
Please select yes on any prompts for package installation to allow for a working installation
The script will do the following:
Install the latest epel release for rhel 8
Install snapd
Create system link between snapd and snap
When the script has finished, Run the following command:
gcloud compute ssh new-rhel-vm --zone=<the same zone as provided in step 1.2.d> --command=”.” -- -t
As above, please select y on any prompts for package installation to allow for a working installation
The script will do the following packages:
Update any installed gcloud components to the latest version
Install helm
Install kubectl
Install the gcloud auth plugin
Add the gcloud auth plugin to ~/.bashrc to be used by the environment
5. Deploy Lightning on GKE
In this step , the helm charts are applied to the previously created GKE (in step 1) and all secrets and configurations are applied to the services.
Run the following command to deploy Lightning on GKE:
gcloud compute ssh new-rhel-vm --zone=<the same zone as provided in step 1.2.d> --command=”.” -- -t
As in Step 1.2. complete the following
Copy the generated url and allow Google SDK to login
Copy the generated token from your browser and paste it in your terminal window
When prompted provide your docker username and docker password
Once completed you will be provided with a list of the services running on Kubernetes. Please copy the External IP from the following services:
6. Associate your LoadBalancer IP addresses with an A DNS record set
To create a standard web url , the loadbalancer IPs will need to be associated with a DNS record set.
On your DNS provider, Create an A record set for each of the copied IP addresses from steps 5.4.a and 5.4.b
lightning-gui-svc: ui.<subdomain>.<domain>
i.e. -
lightning-rest-svc: rest.<subdomain>.<domain>
7. Add certificate
In case the web url is required to have a signed certificate then use the steps mentioned in the reference document below to create a certificate: Quickstart: Create a certificate by using the Google Cloud console | Certificate Authority Service
8. Connecting to your environment
Once you have the DNS pointing towards the IP addresses copied from step 5.4.1 and 5.4.2
This can be checked using the following link:
Using your browser, connect to the URL you designated for the UI
Login into the Lightning GUI

Installation Videos
The following installation videos demonstrate Steps 1 to 5 and Step 8.2 - 8.3