
Use this article to help understand how to connect and use the Zetaris Enterprise ChatBot, GenZ

Docker Guide

Step 1: Access GenZ

Confirming that PrivateAI is running, you are able to connect to the application by going to the following url (assuming it is locally hosted):


Step 2: Enter Credentials

Enter the following information

Zetaris API URL: http://zetaris-api:8888

Email: <user email address>

Password: <user password>

Organisation: 23

Step 3: Select Data and Write Questions

1. Select Structured

2. Choose which Data Mart you want to question (Data Mart needs to already be built)

3. Select which table or tables you want to include in your questioning.

3. Select Prescriptive or Descriptive

4. Start writing questions :)

NOTE: Docker install is meant for testing and small-scale analysis only, as all compute is run locally. Best performance is seen when leveraging NVIDIA or Intel GPU chips.

For enterprise questioning and testing, select our Zetaris Enterprise, from the Product list, and deploy on a larger environment.