Apache Iceberg

Apache Iceberg is an open-source table format for storing large, slow-changing datasets.

Zetaris allows you to connect your Apache Iceberg tables and query against them in real-time without having to move the tables to a centralised location.

Connecting and Querying your Apache Iceberg tables

Connecting to your Apache Iceberg formatted tables (parquet, ORC or AVRO) through the SQL Editor.

Step 1:  Connect to your Iceberg path:

Note: example is using AWS environment

CREATE datalake mlake options (
storageType 'S3',
storagePath 's3a://zetaris-emr-test/qa_file/Iceberg/',
AwsAccessKeyId 'ABCDEFHUJS',
AwsSecretAccessKey 'z1y2x3w3v4u5t6')

Step 2: Create virtual table representation in Zetaris: 

CREATE TABLE mlake.tpcds.mytest
USING iceberg AS SELECT c_name FROM AZURE_MSSQL.customer LIMIT 5;


How to manage your Iceberg tables in Zetaris:


DROP TABLE mlake.tpcds.mytest 

Note: Only those with Administrator permissions can drop tables

Alter Table (ADD, RENAME)


ALTER TABLE mlake.tpcds.mytest
ADD COLUMNS (   new_column string comment 'new_column docs'  )

RENAME (table)

ALTER TABLE mlake.tpcds.mytest RENAME TO mlake.tpcds.test

RENAME (columns)

ALTER TABLE mlake.tpcds.mytest RENAME COLUMN new_column docs  TO payload